Monday, 8 September 2008


We've set up this blog to document all the guerrilla gardening activity happening in Glasgow at the moment. In June this year I started my first guerrilla garden in the city centre having been inspired by Richard Reynolds 'On Guerrilla Gardening'. Little did I know that by August I would be tending my own tiny plot, a very large and overgrown plot in Townhead and planning an attack on the planters in Wilson Street.

Better still I'm not alone in all this and have been lucky enough to recruit some very committed and hard working troops. To find out more about us and what we do read this fine article from The Scotland on Sunday.

If you fancy joining us on a dig join the forum here or send me an email.

All our activity is funded by donations if you'd like to help out in this way you can donate via paypal or get in touch to offer any seeds, bulbs, cutting or tools you don't have a use for.


jane said...

Hi, I'm jane or 'lovesplants' on the forum. I love your subline - picking up the buckie bottles... good one!

Clairwil said...

Well we've been picking up so many I'm thinking of asking Buckfast for sponsorship.